Friday, August 14, 2015

☢ [ Gangsta OC ] ☢

Asher Price

"If I play with you how long do you think it'll take you to break?"
Age: 21
Ethnicity: Japanese - Caucasian
Gender: Male (Though Identifies as fluid)
Height / Weight: 162.8 cm| 51.9 kg
Blood Type: O
Affiliation: Paulklee Guild 
Rank: S/5
Status: Alive

A skilled twilight known mainly for his incredible speed and weapons training.


Only measuring up to a mere 162 centimeters and only weighing 51 kilograms he has been noted to be fairly small and light for his age and occupation. Though it has been noted to be purely genetic and not part of his compensation his size plays a key role in his exceptional speed. He has rather well kept ebony locks not being very notable other than his bangs being white. His eyes are a more almond shape with dark blue irises that heavily contrast against his pale skin, he has slightly feminine looking facial features that make him look utterly androgynus. With his skin having more of a porcelain appearance to it scars are easily visible and while he doesn't have any notable marks on his face his body is littered with scars mostly covering his arms and torso. Saying that it only makes sense for him to choose clothing options that keep the marks concealed meaning that long sleeves(Usually ones that his finger tips only peak out of) are a must no matter how warm the weather is. While he normally wears pants when he wears shorts he often pairs them with long socks to hide the marks on his legs. No matter the attire he is always seen wearing sneakers. 


While working Asher seems to be a completely different human being often becoming eerily focused on the task at hand to the point of hardly speaking to another person during the time. He tends to keep his attention locked on the task at hand. He has merciless way of handling targets often having no problem being completely ruthless when tying up loose ends. While he takes jobs that have the most promising pay out he tends to find a sense of indifference with working with others as long as they stay out of his way. Though while outside of work Asher is a rather cheery individual contradicting the normal sense of grace and professionalism he displays to leave behind someone who sort of seems to be a complete dork. Saying that it is no surprise to say that his childish attitude makes him display traits like being stubborn, impatient, and excitable. Around less tolerant or stiffer individuals he can often be seen as slightly annoying with his fleeting nature, excessive amounts of energy, and blind sense of optimism. Though he has been noted to have a certain sense of magnetism and charisma that can easily charm the lollipops of anyone who isn't annoyed by him or able to see through the simple method of manipulation. Asher also seems to be rather dense at times making it completely impossible for anyone to try to hint anything to him without it completely going over his head. He also seems to have an odd sense of innocence pertaining to relationships not quite registering 'romantic' advances in his head as such.

Asher doesn't seem to actually be half as cheery as he presents having moments in which his optimism seems to completely fall apart. He also suffers heavily from borderline personality disorder that cause him to experience extreme mood swings when not treated with medication. Such symptoms often rang from a crushing sense of depression to anxiety that makes him shake. These times often cause him to have 'episodes' in which he becomes increasingly violent, heavily depressed, extremely anxious, and a decrease in his decision making skills. (Such as being far more impulsive, unstable, and a general threat to both himself and others.)From his time spent in mercenary camps he has developed a small case of PTSD that makes it almost impossible for him to sleep and with the increased stress he is often more susceptible to episodes.

Like most twilights Asher has been known to overdose on Celebrer making it almost impossible for him to move properly after jobs at times without feeling immense pain. When experiencing withdrawals from the medication he often becomes extremely dazed/dizzy, experiences vomiting, migraines, and increased anxiety. Later stages often cause him to have hallucinations, convulsions, haemorrhages, and hyperventilations (sort of like he's having an asthma attack of sorts). 


Asher was born from two high ranking twilights in the mercenary camp that the two were 'contracted' under. He was simply the product of the idea taking two powerful fighters and mixing them together would you be able to make something stronger. In result he is actually two ranks above his parents. While he was born in southern gate he never really stayed in one place for too long considering that having a camp with as many twilights as there was it wasn't really a smart for them to remain stationary. From the time that he was able to wield a weapon Asher began being trained to kill starting at first with taking out the wounded that were thrown in front of him and later doing his own work. Considering that he was nothing more than a project to make a powerful soldier he hardly spent much time with his parents since he was taken from them when he could start training (though he didn't quite. This seemed to have the same maternal attachment to them in the first place)often viewing them as nothing more than comrades in arms. While the leader of the group seemed to keep him utterly ignorant to the world around him even taking such lengths to keep most of the twilights born in the camp isolated from the other soldiers and often handcuffed to where they slept. During his younger years his BPD was treated with downers often making him weak enough to where he couldn't even hurt himself if he wanted to. When the three laws were passed many of the weaker twilights that were seen as 'loose ends' were slaughtered claiming that they couldn't afford the extra weight and considering that the three laws meant that twilights would be tagged and sent to Ergastulum it was the choice of having strength in numbers or keeping stronger soldiers that were easier to hide in the end the latter was chosen. Considering their age Asher's parents were deemed dead weight.

Though the plan hardly seemed effective considering that in the end Asher was found and tagged. Upon being relocated to Ergastulum he ended up being adopted into the Paulklee Guild in which he still works. He has been known for taking quite a few jobs for the Monroe family and made quite a few acquaintances through them.

[Weapon Information]

While Asher has had formal training with a few different weapons the one that seems to mostly stand out would have to be his handy work with hand to hand combat and melee weaponry. His primary choice of weapon in a metal bow staff with retractable blades on the end to finish off an opponent. He also carries throwing knives for more stealthy situations.

[Miscellaneous Information]

 ✘There is often debate amongst the guild whether or not Asher is a boy or if he is simply a flat chested girl and even get vague answers from the male.

✘Asher is attracted to the same gender.

✘His white hair is caused by a small birth defect that leads to a lack of pigment in some of his hair.

✘Missing a formal education Asher never learned to properly read and while he has figured out a few words and the numerical system if you were to hand him a book he would end up completely butchering it and only knowing a very small fraction of the words.

✘Dr.Theo has given him the rough estimate that he won't live past twenty five and that was being generous with amount.