Monday, February 8, 2016

۞[ Ⓕⓐⓘⓡⓨ Ⓣⓐⓘⓛ ⓄⒸ ]۞


Aylan Sparx




Grimoire Heart (Former)
Fairy Tail (Current)

❃ Satan Soul 

Team Natsu 


Snow white hair that reaches his chin with asymmetrical bangs that cover up a little bit of his right eye, his hair is often well kept and hardly ever seen as being ruffled or out of place.

Facial Structure:
Slightly more rounded and soft features, almost feminine making him look more like a 'pretty boy' than an actual girl. 

Almond shaped with somewhat long lashes, they are a shade of icy blue that in abnormally bright lighting look almost white. 

Body Structure: 
While Aylan's body is rather slim clearly lacking in muscle mass it doesn't seem to fall short of definition considering that his muscles are often well worked from going on missions and typically relying heavily on using his powers to run a full on offense the male's body is built for quick and often acrobatic maneuvers. His skin is a pale porcelain and rather fair often choosing to burn rather than tan, his Fairy Tail mark is on his lower abdomen where most would consider to be his right hip.

Aylan typically tends to lay on a more comfortable side of the spectrum when choosing clothing, this of course means that he is pretty partial to wearing loose sweaters/jackets, T-shirts,  and shorts/jeans when he is spending time around the guild. Though when off on jobs he often tends to gravitate towards more fitting clothes so he can move freely and not have to worry about anything getting caught on something or slowing him down.

Aylan can be rather stoic, mature, and collected individual handling each one of his given tasks in a skilled and professional manner somewhat mirroring Meredy's more robotic tendencies such as referring to his missions to "exterminate" and "annihilate" his enemies as the "prime directive". During battle Aylan hardly seems to care for conversation and even seems to go to the point of striking at his opponents should they choose to begin their own monologue. though in the few occasions in which he will humor his opponents with a response he is known to extremely well spoken and has little trouble with a more advanced vocabulary. He is extremely cunning and knows the tactics of battle well enough to crush almost any opponent swiftly and without hesitation.

While remaining calm and composed outside of battle Aylan has been known to have a sweeter side to him becoming a soft individual who seems almost like a completely different person compared to his battle persona often being a little bit more cheerful than usual.

Best Friend(s):
Depends on roleplay

Depends on roleplay
Possibly your OC?

Anyone who gets in his way
Grimoire Heart guild members

Love Interest(s):
Gray Fullbuster

Aylan spent much of his years living in a small town with his adoptive mother after being left at her doorstep as an infant. Being a frail young woman who couldn't conceive her own children she welcomed him with open arms raising him as if he were her own and managing to even convince Aylan that he was her biological son. This time spent with the woman mainly shaped the young boy's personality as the woman's gentle nature gave him a certain appreciation for all life. Though considering the boy's unusual abilities the small town's superstitions caused many of the townspeople to fear him treating him and his mother as monsters. But despite that Aylan seemed to remain in fairly good spirits up until his mother's untimely death. When walking home late one night after working late she was approached by a group of mysterious men and abducted, three days later she was found dead in an alleyway missing any clothing. It was only then that the boy seemed to run on borrowed time until one day a few cruel children had managed to finally get him to snap after proclaiming 'the death of the witch' and eventually revealing to the boy that she wasn't even his real mother. With that Aylan snapped losing control of his powers and with that ending with the inevitable slaughtering of the town by his own hands. When he finally awoke he had no recollection of what had happened though he was greeted by a single member of the Grimoire Heart guild and after calming down the child they took him with them having witnessed the entire situation. 

Through his years of staying with the Grimoire Heart guild Aylan had learned to become more merciless in battle and his thinking was more or less rewired to believe that any anyone that went against their ideals needed to be exterminated. While he still retained his usual personality out of battle while doing combat he had become a killing machine making magic nothing more than a means of success and spending almost all of his spare time training his abilities in order to properly serve the guild. Though it wasn't until he was sent to assassinate a small group of Fairy Tail guild members that his perspective seemed to change and for the first time in a long while he seemed to genuinely enjoy himself while clashing with the team. In the end instead of making a move to kill any of the guild members and chooses to leave Grimoire Heart as fighting against Fairy Tail gave him a strong reminder of the kind of person he used to be before the guild instilled such hate in him. With his skills he was offered a place in the guild and deciding to renounce his affiliations with Grimoire Heart and its members he joined. 

♚[  Eureka  Seven  OC  ]♚








Kylos has mint green hair that ends slightly above his chin. His bangs hang in his face and completely cover his right eye.

Facial Structure: 
A slightly  rounded heart shape with soft and more delicate features to it.

Rounded almond shaped hues with a reddish pink color to them and long eyelashes.

Body Structure: 
Slim but not bony and a slight underlying muscular build.

Choosing a multitude of clothing options Kylos is hardly the type to stick to one clothing option often wearing whatever he is given and making the best of it. Though he has been known to gravitate more towards clothes with long sleeves hardly ever really choosing to show very much skin, but it partially has to do with the fact that he burns so easily in the sun.

Like many Coralians Kylos is very calm, collected, and easy going, of course lacking in many human emotions though sometimes trying to emulate them at times. Kylos seems to have an utter sense of innocence often wandering about like a small child in order to sedate many of his curiosities because of this he can often come off as rather childish and often imitates certain behaviors that he sees other's doing. Despite seeming like an over sized child Kylos is incredibly intelligent and hardly struggles in grasping concrete concepts, unlike emotions and thought. While most of the time Kylos seems to have good intentions his lacking in understanding emotions often means that he can easily hurt people's feelings and somewhat disregard them at times.

Love Interest:
Dominic Sorel

Monday, December 28, 2015

⚜ [ Persona 4 OC ] ⚜

Akihiko Furukawa 



May 22nd


3rd year/ Yasogami High


School Involvement:
Student council president



Double Sided Spear

Persona skills: 
 Darkness and physical attack abilities

Hama skills

When most people traditionally think of a typical 'preppy popular boy' Akihiko tends to come to mind, with the male's excelling grades, place on the student board, and social butterfly charms it isn't really much of a surprise. His personality is something that seems as though it were based on some sort prince in a story book than a real person. Though that's only on the surface considering that in reality he is more down to earth in nature and introverted in nature. He is a tad bit more sarcastic and less optimistic than his little alter ego. 

Though Akihiko currently lives in Inaba he was born in Tokyo to a simple housewife and a businessman who only saw his family on holidays. From a very young age he has always been a bright person often bringing home report cards with straight A's and stacks of books checked out from the school library. Though he wasn't always such a 'cool kid' considering that growing up in a big city, or rather anywhere, and being the dorky kid with thick glasses who had to get braces to fix an overbite didn't seem to ever put him into the good graces with the bullies on the playground. This of course continued all throughout his time in Tokyo, though as his mother began to worry more and more about his condition at school she eventually made the executive decision to send him to Inaba to live with his grandmother in order to attend high school there. During the time over the summer before arriving at school Akihiko had finally gotten his braces off and, despite despising them, he began wearing contacts instead of glasses. He completely redesigned his personality in order to fit what he figured would help him fit in. Nowadays he continues the same facade that he has for three years though with his more introverted tendencies he has picked up a multitude of new tricks to get away from his classmates without compromising his composure such as'volunteering' to help out in the bookstore and often organizing everything for the student council. To them he's an organized leader who makes sure their running efficiently, to him he knows none of them will help it's just an easy way to get them to leave him alone for twenty minutes.

A school, symbolizing the fact that his mind is still trapped in the memories of when he was younger. He still believes that if he isn't this picture of cookie cutter false perfection he'll end up as the same dorky outcast. The dungeon is full fledged 6 floor hell hole with collapsing towers, trick doors that will lead you back towards the beginning of the floor, floor puzzles that will crumble and send you down to the previous floor.

His shadow is a boy who while has the same general appearance, such as stature and facial structure, the boy has thick glasses, god awful braces, and his hair neatly combed to the side like a kindergartener on picture day. Despite appearing to be about as dangerous as a blade of grass Akihiko's shadow is extremely hostile and irritable often preaching about how he just wants people to leave him alone and how being pushed down has made him rotten and spiteful.

Love Interest: 
Yu Narukami; Despite the two being, more or less, polar opposites Akihiko has always been drawn in by the Yu's more quiet nature and at the beginning of their relationship he simply uses him in order to make it seem as though he had social arrangements when instead he just prefered being around someone who didn't constantly create the clatter of conversation. Though as he begins to get to know him better Akihiko begins to actually enjoy Yu's personality, not to mention the fact that they both have the same odd sense of dry humor.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

♒ [ Ⓕⓡⓔⓔ! Ⓘⓦⓐⓣⓞⓑⓘ Ⓢⓦⓘⓜ Ⓒⓛⓤⓑ ⓄⒸ ] ♒

Name (Last/First:
Makino Ryusei

Maki-chan (Nagisa)



June 21



Blood Type:

Sexual Orientation:


Iwatobi High School
Second (In Season 1), Third (In Season 2)

Gou Matsuoka, Makoto Tachibana, Haruka Nanase, Nagisa Hazuki, Rei Ryugazaki, Your OC(?)

Ryu has deep purple colored eyes and his hair is a bleach blonde color that almost looks white in the right lighting. His hair is a little longer than most male’s and often hangs in his face considering the style of his bangs but for the most part is neatly brushed and well kept. His skin is pale and often burns if he’s out in the sun for too long rarely ever getting a proper tan. His build is rather slender though for the most part athletic considering that swimming keeps him in pretty good shape, even if he doesn’t match up as much to the other members. While he isn’t constantly focused on his appearance he makes a conscious effort into making sure that he looks good considering that he has been noted to have absolutely atrocious bedhead. When not in his school uniform Ryu often wears slightly oversized shirts that often hang off his shoulder often revealing a tanktop underneath, the sleeve length of his shirt often depends on the weather. He can often be seen wearing scarves, sweaters, or necklaces most of the time. Depending on how hot it is outside he will wear jeans or shorts always matched with sneakers no matter what the weather.

162 cm (5’4”)

51.9 kg (114 Pounds)

He doesn’t have any tattoos or notable scars though he can be seen with the occasional skin abrasion from being careless. He doesn’t have any piercings.

Ryu can often be described as a carefree and energetic individual often never seen without a smile on his features though despite his friendly demeanor he seems to have little problem being extraordinarily blunt or rude to people he’s not fond of. Part of this comes from the fact that he is completely and utterly driven by his emotions letting whatever he feels slip out of his mouth at times. He can be rather naive at times often having many things completely go over his head rarely ever getting subtle hints that people drop for him causing people to often have to be extremely direct with him. Despite Ryu’s social ignorance he has been noted to be book smart despite his refusal to put any effort towards his classes. He often lets his grades drop as low as they can without getting him taken off the swim team though manages to get them brought up when grades are actually put on his transcript despite his friends thinking he simply doesn’t understand the material. Though school isn’t the only thing that he applies this selective interest to considering that anything that he doesn’t deem important will often be easily tossed aside. He often has to make a conscious effort towards making sure he doesn’t do with the same with people and can come off slightly clingy or childish because of it.
Positive traits:
Kind, Energetic, Friendly, Open Minded, Carefree, Loyal Friend, Book Smart, and Optimistic.

Negative traits:
Lazy, Undetermined, Impatient, Fleeting, Blunt, Naive, ‘Selective Interest’, Childish, Impulsive, Indifferent, Ditsy, and Driven By Emotions.

Ryu grew up as an only child who grew up in Tokyo with his two parents, he lived there until he turned thirteen before his parents split up because of his father having an affair with another woman. When the two split Ryu’s mother took him and the two moved to Iwatobi to live with his aunt. Though initially he had trouble making friends with kids his age often distancing himself from other people until he eventually met Gou in one of his classes. While he had a hard time warming up to the girl they eventually became good friends in which he eventually met Nagisa, Makoto, and Haru through her.

When they eventually started up the swim club he initially refused Gou’s offer because he was playing soccer at the the time but after being bribed with a couple sweets he eventually took up her offer not long after Rei joined.

Father: Makino Kia (alive)
Mother: Makino Namiko (alive)

Theme Songs:

"Oh, whatever"
Is the mantra I live for
And though I didn't understand you
When you said it, I was floored
"Look, I'm sorry, but I'm through.
I've got no expectations of you."
I admit, I feel the same way
'Cause nothing else is working
I can barely make it day to day
But, what made you think
That would be alright to say?

If we could put into words every second someone lives on
We feel ourselves live on
like scattering words about
If I can put into words every second I've lived
I should be able to start walking again.
...Like you did one day
Likes: Swimming, Drawing, Sweets, Warm Drinks, Winter, Music, The Ocean, Sketching, Pastel Colors, Animated Movies, Cats, Fire Works, Ramen, Rainy Days, Being In The Rain, Snow, Cherry Blossom Trees, Sleeping In, and Manga.

Dislikes: Paper Cuts, Extreme Heat/Humidity,Tight Spaces, Cactus, Big Dogs, Being Woken Up Early, Brain Freezes, School, Being Bossed Around, and Wasting Time.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

♡♢[ Homestuck Oc ] ♤♧

Ashe Parker

Age: Depends on Roleplay

Date of Birth: October 17th

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Race: Caucasian

Chumhangle: livingTombstone

Typing Style: 
Ashe often types with perfect grammar and will hardly ever use abbreviations or avoid punctuation. His only exception would have to be his excessive use of punctuation and his use of CAPITAL LETTERS to put emphasis on words.

Example 1 (Normal Typing)- “LT: Okay so apparently fire isn’t the answer…or possibly never the answer now that I think about it.”

Example 2 (Angry/Upset)- “LT: I’m not here to accuse you of anything, wait, no I was wrong since that’s the exact reason I’m here!! And I swear if you don’t get my bookshelf out of the wall I will END your already brief existence!!”

Example 3 (Thinking)- “LT: Hm…Do you really think you have the agility skill for that?? I mean I have a D20 you can borrow if you haven’t rolled.”

Typing Color: Purple/Blue

Normal/Casual Clothing: 
Ashe often wears a white long sleeve shirt with a purplish blue atom across his chest; the shirt is often covered by his dark blue jacket that has numerous pins on his chest. Finishing up the outfit he wears a pair of black jeans and a pair of blue sneakers with black laces and white detail.

Hair Color/Style: 
Though naturally black Ashe’s hair is dyed a deep shade of red, his hair is a complete mess with bangs that almost hang in his eyes and hair that sticks up in every direction it is obvious that he probably needs a haircut though that will most likely never happen.

Eye Color: Icy Blue

Ashe is a geek at heart and loves anything that links with the title including gadgets, video games, and coding. His high intelligence makes his fascination with such things more used and will often be seen tinkering with machinery. His intelligence and natural lack of social skills make his come off rather brash and rude at first often using a more extensive vocabulary and making his opinions more clear whether or not they correspond or agree with someone's feelings or opinions. Though once he warms up to someone he can be rathis broish using more slang and having a less uptight and stuffy demeanor. He also has a habit of using metaphors, quotes, and nicknames around people he likes to be around. Sadly he often still maintains some of his earlier habits and can still be rather rude and blunt with his friends whether he means it or not. His social skills also cause his to be rather naive at times and will often take most advice from people he trusts even if it seems completely ridiculous. Nico also is rather standoffish and rebellious and will often not fear to curse or state brash and obscene things that most people wouldn't murmur.

Place of Residence: 
Ashe lives in the small town of Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska in a two bedroom house.

Title (God Tier): 
Knight of Doom

Taking a hold of doom's elements Ashe can do a multitude of things with his powers from starting fires to using dice bombs as weapons.

Strife Specibi: 
SwordKind (Consisting of a sword handle and alchemized with some paint that fell into the alchemiter Ashe created a gel sword taking the appearance of a large blade that looks like it’s missing pieces because of it looks like the inside of lavalamp it can swiftly harden into a deadly blade as sharp as a knife.)

Fetch Modus: 
Cards- Every captchalogued item is seen as a single card and as soon as he has filed his inventory they all shuffle and he has to select the first slot and make his way through it often becoming quite tedious and resulting in the occasional item being ejected and almost killing someone.

TechCat: Some spare computer parts that were accidentally combined with his cat after he ran into the sprite finding the bright light to be something worth pouncing on.

(Cousin) Leon Kaiser

Dream Self: 

Land of Ruin and Ice, or LORAI (The entire planet is cold and the scenery is mostly ruins and barren land making it seem like some kind of apocalypses had happened just to be completely drowned out by the snow and ice that covers the planet's surface.