Thursday, December 24, 2015

♡♢[ Homestuck Oc ] ♤♧

Ashe Parker

Age: Depends on Roleplay

Date of Birth: October 17th

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Race: Caucasian

Chumhangle: livingTombstone

Typing Style: 
Ashe often types with perfect grammar and will hardly ever use abbreviations or avoid punctuation. His only exception would have to be his excessive use of punctuation and his use of CAPITAL LETTERS to put emphasis on words.

Example 1 (Normal Typing)- “LT: Okay so apparently fire isn’t the answer…or possibly never the answer now that I think about it.”

Example 2 (Angry/Upset)- “LT: I’m not here to accuse you of anything, wait, no I was wrong since that’s the exact reason I’m here!! And I swear if you don’t get my bookshelf out of the wall I will END your already brief existence!!”

Example 3 (Thinking)- “LT: Hm…Do you really think you have the agility skill for that?? I mean I have a D20 you can borrow if you haven’t rolled.”

Typing Color: Purple/Blue

Normal/Casual Clothing: 
Ashe often wears a white long sleeve shirt with a purplish blue atom across his chest; the shirt is often covered by his dark blue jacket that has numerous pins on his chest. Finishing up the outfit he wears a pair of black jeans and a pair of blue sneakers with black laces and white detail.

Hair Color/Style: 
Though naturally black Ashe’s hair is dyed a deep shade of red, his hair is a complete mess with bangs that almost hang in his eyes and hair that sticks up in every direction it is obvious that he probably needs a haircut though that will most likely never happen.

Eye Color: Icy Blue

Ashe is a geek at heart and loves anything that links with the title including gadgets, video games, and coding. His high intelligence makes his fascination with such things more used and will often be seen tinkering with machinery. His intelligence and natural lack of social skills make his come off rather brash and rude at first often using a more extensive vocabulary and making his opinions more clear whether or not they correspond or agree with someone's feelings or opinions. Though once he warms up to someone he can be rathis broish using more slang and having a less uptight and stuffy demeanor. He also has a habit of using metaphors, quotes, and nicknames around people he likes to be around. Sadly he often still maintains some of his earlier habits and can still be rather rude and blunt with his friends whether he means it or not. His social skills also cause his to be rather naive at times and will often take most advice from people he trusts even if it seems completely ridiculous. Nico also is rather standoffish and rebellious and will often not fear to curse or state brash and obscene things that most people wouldn't murmur.

Place of Residence: 
Ashe lives in the small town of Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska in a two bedroom house.

Title (God Tier): 
Knight of Doom

Taking a hold of doom's elements Ashe can do a multitude of things with his powers from starting fires to using dice bombs as weapons.

Strife Specibi: 
SwordKind (Consisting of a sword handle and alchemized with some paint that fell into the alchemiter Ashe created a gel sword taking the appearance of a large blade that looks like it’s missing pieces because of it looks like the inside of lavalamp it can swiftly harden into a deadly blade as sharp as a knife.)

Fetch Modus: 
Cards- Every captchalogued item is seen as a single card and as soon as he has filed his inventory they all shuffle and he has to select the first slot and make his way through it often becoming quite tedious and resulting in the occasional item being ejected and almost killing someone.

TechCat: Some spare computer parts that were accidentally combined with his cat after he ran into the sprite finding the bright light to be something worth pouncing on.

(Cousin) Leon Kaiser

Dream Self: 

Land of Ruin and Ice, or LORAI (The entire planet is cold and the scenery is mostly ruins and barren land making it seem like some kind of apocalypses had happened just to be completely drowned out by the snow and ice that covers the planet's surface.

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