Thursday, December 24, 2015

♛ [ Ⓚⓐⓡⓝⓔⓥⓐⓛ ⓄⒸ ] ♛

General Information

Yuriko Tatsuki





Circus; Second Ship Fighter

October 17th


Physical information:

Body Shape:
Yuri  has a tall and slightly lanky build, standing at 177.8 centimeters (5 feet 10 inches) he has a slim stature that while lacking in mass his figure is pretty toned.

Yuri has azure blue hair, it is often well kept and hardly ever seen to have a tousled or messy look to it. His bangs tend to hang more in his eyes that he'd prefer and he will often pin them back if it irritates him too much.

Yuri has sapphire blue eyes that have a more sharp and thin appearance to them.

Yuri has two piercings in his upper left ear, he has no visible scars.

When out of uniform Yuri can often be seen with a white long sleeve shirt that usual just had text sprawled across the bottom half or a simple design, it is usually paired with a black bubble vest that has a olive green collar and a few buttons pinned to it. His pants are also a darker shade of olive green matched with a pair of black sneakers, he finishes off the outfit with a red scarf. Though when simply lazing around he tends to simplify his clothes often choosing a loose sweater with text or a design on it, a pair of jeans, and some sneakers to match.

When performing Yuri wears a white sleeveless shirt with the collar popped and a deep v neck cut that stops at his mid bicep, he wears a single black long sleeve on his left arm that has a small loop in order to attach it to his shirt. He wears a pair of black fingerless gloves on each hand to match.He wears a pair of black shorts that have a white line on the bottom, he also has two lanyards that he hooks on his belt loop that are black and white. Finishing off the outfit he wears a pair of white boots with black soles that are primarily covered by a pair of black leg warmers.

Mental information

Yuri is a taciturn and reserved individual hardly ever speaking unless being spoken to though when he does it is very clean that he is well spoken and certainly doesn't shy away from using his more extensive vocabulary. He extraordinarily cunning and often has little trouble with mental tasks and if given the right materials he should have no trouble solving a problem. Generally speaking Yuri is a very calm and collected person and hardly ever lets himself openly succumb to emotional impulses, he prides himself in being exact, precise, and able to complete tasks with expert skills.

While his first impression may hint at him being more of a 'cool' character Yuri can actually be extraordinarily awkward when trying to get closer to people. He often struggles heavily with trying to comfort or soothe others and tries to avoid the subject of touching on other's emotions as best he can often making him come off as being extremely cold and callous.

Extremely lacking in social skill Yuri can often be brutally blunt and honest with people where most people would censor themselves causing him to seem quite rude. Though despite being quite clever his social ignorance can cause him to take bad advice from people he trusts when he is unsure of himself.

 While Yuri often has a more cool and composed air about him he can have moments where he completely breaks his composure flashing someone a warm smile or hysterically laughing at whatever managed to tickle his funny bone.

He has been noted to fake smiles and imitate Yogi's more charming traits in order to get what he wants.

Reading, Sweets, Cute Things, Snow, Rain, Libraries, Tea, Manga, Combat Training, Fireworks, and Loose Sweaters.

 Needles, Spicy or Bitter Things, Hot Weather, Bugs, Big Animals, and Liquid Medicine. 

Yuri has always had an irrational fear of getting close to others considering the many hazards that come with caring about another person. He fears that in the end he'll just end up weighing down people or end up failing their expectations.

Despite acting like he doesn't care for other's Yuri often wishes he could cherish bonds like other people and be a little more open with them. 

Yuri is extremely agile and often has no problem with performing physical feats, he also has quite a talent with puzzles and decoding and often has little trouble with such tasks.

Favorite Food: 
Strawberry Shortcake 

Favorite Drink: 

Favorite Season:

Favorite Flower: 
Tiger Lillies

Circus information:

Circus Bracelet:  
Like all members of Circus, Yuri’s bracelet allows him the power of flight, his weapon is a double sided spear.

Ship affiliation: 
Yuri is assigned to ship two and has remained loyally so for years.

Job Position:  

Yuri's act primarily is focused upon acrobatics and working off of his agility.

 Background information:

Taken from his parents when he was a young child Yuri remembers nothing of his parents nor any possible siblings. He was raised by a band of mercenaries where he spend most of his life being trained in various areas of combat. With the military type training drilled into him Yuri had become nothing more than a hollow killing machine.

He lived this way until the age of seventeen until the mercenary group eventually managed to tangled up with providing service to one of the kafka's little science projects. When the Circus got involved in eliminating the varuga many of the other soldiers were slaughtered or ran and with Yuri being the only one left and being able to hold himself well in combat he was offered a place in the Circus and having nowhere else to go he accepted.

With his neurotic behavior Yuri was immediately sent to spend time under the doctor's supervision to become assimilated back into societal standards for a few months. And while he is no longer kept under supervision he has to to be reevaluated every month to check if his behavior is stable, along with the assistance of 'supplements' to control his neurosis. 

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