Thursday, December 24, 2015

❀ [ Kuroko No Basket OC ] ❀

Full Name (Last, First):
Katsu Rikuto

Name Pronunciation:
Caught-Soo | Ree-Koo-Toe

Katsu (Used when addressed formally; Primarily used)
Riku (Informal; Mostly used by close friends)


May 22th

Astrological Sign:




Sexual Orientation:


Blood Type:

Dominant Hand:

Marital Status:

Hair Color:
Pale Blonde

Hairstyle and Length:
While Riku’s hair isn’t quite considered considerably long he has been known to let his locks get rather unruly often only cutting it when it becomes too much of a pain to handle. His bangs are rather long and often hang in his face. Though he does occasionally just pin them back guarantee that they won’t come loose and hang in his face. His hair is well kept for the most part considering that his hair is often atrocious without any maintenance.

Eye Color and Shape:
Riku’s eyes are a vibrant blue color. His eyes have a bit more of a rounded shape to them other than their slightly more doe-ish appearance there isn’t really anything else to say about them.


He has really pale skin, which while doesn’t make him look sickly it tends to easily burn rather than tan.

162.8 cm (5’ 4”)

49.9 Kg (110 Pounds)

Facial Structure:

Body Shape:
Riku certainly isn’t built like an athlete considering that his figure is thin and skinny only avoiding having any sort of lanky appearance because of his lack of height. He has some slight muscle definition but nothing special or outstanding.

He doesn’t have a specific scent but rather just a simple sweet smell to him.



Outfit Choice
School Uniform:
Riku wears the mandatory Serin High male uniform. The top piece of a gakuran is black, long-sleeved and has a standing collar which buttons from the bottom up to his chin though he leaves the top two buttons undone. It has blue trimming on the sleeves and vertically in the middle. His uniform shirt is one size too big and he often rolls up the sleeves. His bottoms are a simple pair of black pants.

Casual Attire:
Outside of school Riku can often be seen wearing a loose long sleeve shirt that often hangs off of his shoulders showing the straps of a tanktop underneath, he often wears necklaces or scarves depending on the weather. He often wears a pair of jeans that will most likely match the color his undershirt that are held up with two belts, one that rests in his belt loop and another that hangs on his waist. He wears coverse that match the color of his shirt.

Formal Attire:
Riku’s formal wear consist of a vest with a collar shirt underneath the sleeve length depending on the weather, he wears a pair of slacks that match the color of his vest and black shoes. Finishing off the outfit he wears a tie with the color of his choosing and lanyard that hooks on his belt loops that matches.

Riku can often be described as a carefree and energetic individual often never seen without a smile on his features though despite his friendly demeanor he seems to have little problem being extraordinarily blunt or rude to people he’s not fond of. Part of this comes from the fact that he is completely and utterly driven by his emotions letting whatever he feels slip out of his mouth at times. He can be rather naive at times often having many things completely go over his head rarely ever getting subtle hints that people drop for him causing people to often have to be extremely direct with him. Despite Riku’s social ignorance he has been noted to be book smart despite his refusal to put any effort towards his classes. He often let’s his grades drop as low as they can without getting him taken off the swim team though manages to get them brought up when grades are actually put on his transcript despite his friends thinking he simply doesn’t understand the material. Though school isn’t the only thing that he applies this selective interest to considering that anything that he doesn’t deem important will often be easily tossed aside. He often has to make a conscious effort towards making sure he doesn’t do with the same with people and can come off slightly clingy or childish because of it.

While Riku seems to have little trouble teasing people he can become easily flustered when people turn the tables on him. Considering his short stature Riku can be rather easily urked by having the minor detail pointed out. Despite being slim he has a horrible appetite mostly eating nothing but sweets and ramen though the efforts of others around him have hardly put a dent in his eating habits.

Riku has been known to have little respect for people’s personal space and often finds himself accidentally getting closer to people than he usually intends to.

Sweets | Manga | Video Games | Naps | Drawing | Snow | Rain | Electronics | Cats

Extreme Heat | Humidity | Mornings | Being Woken Up | Bitter Things | Studying | Horror Movies

Video Games | Drawing

Insects | Heights

Worst Fear:

Deepest Wish:
Though Riku hardly touches on the subject he aspires to one day to possibly work as a manga artist or in animation.  

Drawing | Fast Runner | Agile

Passionate Love:

Theme Song:

Love Song:
Favorite Color: Favorite Animal:
Purple Cats

Favorite Food: Favorite Season:
Mochi Winter

Favorite Drink: Favorite Weather:
Coffee Snow/Rain

Favorite Candy:

Favorite Flower:

Favorite Smell:

Seirin High

After School Job:
Cafe Waiter

Dream Job:
Manga Artist

A spotted cat named ‘Mochi’

Grade Level:
First Year

Favorite Class:

Least Favorite Class:
School Reputation:
Riku is known for being extremely sociable often rarely missing the chance to meet someone new or make a new friend. He’s been known to drift from person to person managing to maintain quite a few relationships. Though the teachers have a less positive view on him labeling him a slacker and while they have all tried to get him to put effort towards his studies he has yet to find anyone that has actually succeeded.
| A: Passing | B: Passing | C: Semi-Passing | D: Barely Passing | F: Failing |

Math: D Art: A I.T.: C Drama: B P.E.: D
Health Care: C Economics: C Music: A Science: B History: C
Literature: B Languages: D Cooking: A Psychology: C Biology: B

Your Oc? | Tetsuya Kuroko | Taiga Kagami | (Most of The Seirin Basketball Team)

Ryouta Kise | Daiki Aomine | Seijuro Akashi |

Best Friends:
Riko Aida | Your Oc?

Shintaro Midorima | Katsu Hitomi

Relationship Status:

Love Interest:
Tetsuya Kuroko; being a rather bubbly and eccentric person it was certainly no surprise that him and the blue haired male were certainly polar opposites since while Kuroko can go completely unnoticed it often feels as though Riku can’t take two steps without having someone greet him. Though the two met on rather odd terms considering that while at the time he was still training for soccer when Riko asked him to join the basketball team. While originally refusing her offer he did agree to help her manage and put together their team it wasn’t until he met Kuroko that he decided to accept her offer.

While Riku normally didn’t take much interest in others for some reason the light haired male seemed to catch his attention. He seemed absolutely determined to notice him for any reason often greeting him with a cheery smile and his usual invasion of personal space. It might be the certain sense of patience that the other has as he often finds new ways to tease, pick, and prod the other. 

Birth Place:
Tokyo, Japan

Current Location:
Tokyo, Japan

Japanese and English.


Riku was never close to either of his parents considering their work schedules never seemed to smooth out and make time for either him or his sister. He is more or less barely acquainted with the two since they’ve probably only ever had a handful of conversations.
Father | Katsu Toshihisa | Alive
Riku utterly despises his father after he divorced his mother for a women that he had been having an affair with and with his constant pressure for him to follow through and work in the same industry as his parents he tends to avoid speaking with him at all costs.

Mother | Katsu Megumi | Alive
His emotions tend to be rather neutral towards Megumi even to the point where he doesn’t even call her mom often referring to her by her first name. While she hasn’t put as much strain to influence Riku or his sister it has mostly been to spite their father.

Step Mother | Katsu Chiyo | Alive
While he originally despised the woman (For obvious reasons) his relations with her have gradually improved considering her efforts to be more of a parent to him and Hitomi so far have greatly outweighed any efforts his parents have put forward. It’s surprising but he actually has managed to befriend her seeing her as more of a mother to him than Megumi.

Sister | Kastu Hitomi | Alive
Hitomi is Riku’s twin sister and while most would think that him and his sister would be brought closer together because of their experiences it only seems to have driven them further apart considering that the two are like fire and ice. They have always clashed against each other and while over the years nothing has really changed it only seems that the two are so distant towards each other that people often just think that they are strangers who look similar.

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